Looking for answers? - 23rd August, 2007

The information age is as much a blessing as a curse. While it’s simple to find the answers to virtually any question these days (including entire medical diagnoses online!), the downside is that there are no safeguards about which answers are correct and where those answers have come from. The only sure path through the mire is to target key experts within a field. In the field of real estate, Century 21 is a proven expert, being the world’s largest agency and one of its most consistently successful. Locally, Century 21 Westside has earned expert status through its position as the no. 1 Century 21 office within Brisbane and, most recently, via recognition as winner of the 2007 Quest Business Achiever Award (Real Estate). While our team is always on hand to answer questions from local buyers and sellers, we also understand that few people have the time or inclination to pick up the phone and pose a question to their local real estate agency. So we are excited about participating in a new national campaign called ‘Ask The Experts’, which will basically allow you to type in a question from the comfort of your home computer (go to yahoo7.com.au/century21) and wait for a prompt reply from our own or the national office of Century 21. No question will go unanswered! Perhaps you’re wondering about the wisdom or otherwise of selling your home in the current market? Maybe you’re considering renovating first but don’t wish to over-capitalise? Perhaps you simply want to know what your home is worth right now? That’s yahoo7.com.au/century21 Go on, ask away! Until next week … Gerard Baden-Clay, Principal Century 21 Westside